Thursday, June 23, 2011

Poem for My Mother

I wrote this a few days before Mother's Day this year.

Poem for My Mother

Oh Elemental Force of Nature!
Your face-
Still delicate and fine
Your eyes still laugh
Your voice steady
And like a child’s sometimes-
But hands can’t clasp
Nor fingers find

Your legs aren’t strong
But your mind is yet
You rival most
With wisdom and wit
Your Will is like an iron gate
To be crossed
Only by the Initiate

Your Love All-Encompassing
Your Spirit keen
Your Grace steeled by Fire in Faith
Your History a Book well worn
A Song of Songs, an Epic Poem

Your Beauty has not failed nor faded
Distinctly etched on Time
Each memory a Grain of Sand
Each Grain a Work
That you Created

You surround yourself in Light
Where’er you find your Way
And Light shall Encounter Light
On that blissful saddest day
Your fingers will be pressed in His
Your head on His Shoulder rest
As you gaze upon His Sweetest Garden
Amongst His very Best

Still some openings in July for Workshop

Click on the link for more details about the workshop. We will definitely be performing every week, and customizing the workshop to address each singers; individual issues.  Contact me for more information or with questions! 773-474-8471.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Singer's Workshop in July!!!!

A new Singer's Workshop is starting up in July. This will be a great opportunity to "perform" regularly in front of a group of supportive folks (other singers!) and see other's do the same. We will work on singing technique some, but the emphasis is on performing! Each week a different aspect of performing will be covered, with ample opportunity to apply what we have learned.  The workshop culminates in a live showcase where you can show off your new performance/singing chops! YEAH BABY!
Call or email me with questions: 773-474-8471
Above is a link to the online flyer about my Singer's Workshop starting in July:

Singer's Workshop
 See You THERE!