Saturday, November 26, 2011

Holiday Singer's Salon!!!

 Oh come all ye, faithful and un. Who am I to judge. Holiday songs and unholiday songs welcome! All ages show...check out the event on facebook with link below!

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Earth opens in me
Where is what was?

The ghost of a girl fades further
The unfamiliar ground
Rises to meet my body

I glean shining moments 
from my waking hours now

I press poetry 
from between my palms

I hear life singing
though sometimes far away

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Amy Winehouse dream

I had this strange dream about Amy Winehouse that converted itself into this poem. Also been having fun with my collage journal, so I'm including some images of that. It's difficult to scan the whole image. And I want to be sure to credit the image of the painting of the girl with the guitar I lifted from Blogging Artful Magazine. It's by Kelly Lish; her blog is kelly-loveis

Amy Winehouse came to me in a dream
She was small and thin
vulnerable akin
to a child a wild wild child
she was strange and
she didn't fit in

And there was a house or a building of brick
it was tall it was old
it was crusty and thick
it was old and
time to tear it down
and it wasn't the only one in town

I said "Tear it down now,
while the recession is on.
Tear it down before the new boom
comes along.
And I'll tear mine down
for a song."

Then two creatures were wrestling
two women someone said
though they looked like praying mantis's
with divided heads
and they wrestled each other
pinned to the ground

(Amy Winehouse never made a sound....)