Saturday, April 7, 2012

News of the March Singer's Salon!

Where to begin recounting the wonders that were the March Singer's Salon? We are really starting to heat up in here, and really creating a super space for people to do their thangs, judging from the last group. I was surprised, delighted, moved and made to giggle. To quote the Gershwins-who could ask for anything more?
After The Red Apples opened the night with several of their signature tunes, Omar Jano volunteered with his latest rendition of his original tune, "Moonlight", (with a little help from the Red Apples guys, Ron and Dave). Personally I am pleased as punched to see and hear the great leaps and bounds Omar has made since the Salon has given him an opportunity to perform more regularly. (Gratified teacher and Salon organizer secretly gives herself pat on the back...)
The exact order of the evening escapes me now...however I remember a lively and slightly devilish version of "The Simple Joys of Maidenhood" from Tracy Karbel, that did indeed bring a twinkle to the eye. Stephanie, a first time Saloner (is that a word?) entertained us with an introductory monologue so funny, we thought surely she was a standup comedienne! Than sang, "Always There" melodiously and with beautiful tones!

We had a number of folks, like Stephanie, who have just started singing again, and all of them (I'm pretty sure) were as happy to get back to it, as we were to share their talents.  Ilisa Farrell, with  Maggie on piano, sang a warm and stirring version of "That's What Friends Are For".  My dear friend and former Animal Farmer (you'll just have to ask us about that)  Jeanne Williams, sang a beautifully touching version of "I Only Have Eyes for You". Could we tell she was nervous? Yes we could, but she came back later with "More Than You Know" and already, she had quelled the beast and sang with quiet assurance.
Surprising us with her utterly great version of a Bulgarian song that she insisted we wouldn't like beforehand, Elena,  who borrowed Dave's guitar "with capo", inspired the Salon goers to sing along on the Hallelujah's! Total homerun!

Michelle Costello, trusty ukelele in hand, and an assist from Ron, (with harmonies!) serenaded us with a coquettishly adorable "I Saw Stars". I'm pretty sure we all did!  Is she working up to a one woman debut?! And surprise again, Maggie, our co-host and accompanist,  sang a kick-ass original song accompanying herself on the baby grand. It was both funny and poignant. I wish I could remember the lyrics....they really got me. I'm pretty sure there's more where that came from!

Toward the end of the evening Jaroslaw Golembioski and I performed some of our original songs. We are gearing up to do a full show of this material, and the Salon is indeed a great place to work out the kinks for us too. We thought we were ushering in the end of the evening. Not so. Michael Patrick Knutson  and Nick Dario, latecomers though they were, performed for us a few original tunes, Michael on piano, later jumping in on the drums for Nick and Erick.  Nick accompanied himself on guitar singing an original called "A Little Fail", that was totally cool.
Finally Erick Deshaun Dorris, got us all up and stomping and clapping with a rousing "I Fall So You Don't Fall" first sung a cappella with call and response by the Salonnites (hey, I like that).
What a spectacular closer! No one wanted to leave, and in fact lots of howdy do's and you were awesome's were shared all around. There was a glow about the room to be sure.

And now 'tis time for the April Salon on Easter night. Hope to see you ALL there-and don't forget to  bring your peeps!

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